End Of Summer Ministry Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Summer has drawn to a close, college football has returned and the weather in Middle Georgia is (finally) turning cooler. We wanted to send out an end of the summer update, as we have been quite busy since the beginning of 2021.

After almost a year and a half without international missions travel, I was able to travel to Bolivia in June, to work with Jim Harriman. Jim is a missionary with Francis Asbury Society and serves at the Universidad Evangelica Boliviana in Santa Cruz Bolivia. Along with managing the ranch program for the University, Jim has a new and growing ministry with many of the local coffee producers in the region. As coffee production continues to become more popular and profitable, many new farmers are transitioning from coca cultivation to coffee. While visiting and working with Jim, I was blessed to be able to speak to a group of 45 members of the University faculty, sharing a message of hope and encouragement as we all continue to navigate the challenges presented by covid.

In July we turned our attention to Indian Springs Holiness Camp Youth, and were thrilled to once again be hosting students after a year off. As many of your are aware, Indian Springs holds a special place in Iris and I’s hearts, as it is the place where we first met, but it is equally important to us as a venue where we are able to ‘do’ ministry together. While we work throughout the year together on Beehive Global Collective, Indian Springs is a special time where we are able to serve side by side. We had an incredible Camp this year, and saw God moving in powerful ways in the lives of our students and counselors.

As we transition into fall, we are excited to announce our next trip abroad, to Northern Kenya in November. Beehive Global Collective has been working for several years with a new church in the village of Nairibi, outside of Laisamis, and we are thrilled to be able to join them in person once again. As part of this update, I wanted to take an opportunity to share more about this important ministry partner and why we partner with them. When considering any new ministry partnership, Beehive Global Collective is looking for missional funding opportunities where two important criteria are met; first that the the mission or program is actively creating disciples of Christ, and second, that the program or project can become financially sustainable long term. The church and community development project in Nairibi check both boxes, and is an actively growing church today. The Church, under the guidance of the African Gospel Church (AGC) and led by Pastor David Parmuat, a long time acquaintance and dear friend of mine. Pastor David and I go all the way back to the days when he was a young shepherd boy in Maasai land at Olderkesi while I was living and serving there. David grew up in the church there and later studied at the Olderkesi Missional Training Institute (OMTI). Pastor David felt the call to be a missionary and moved to the Northern Kenyan desert to serve the Rendille tribe, which shares language commonality with Maasai. One of the things that has impressed me about Pastor David is his determination to get things done for the Kingdom, often times in the face of adversity. When it came time for the construction of the first church building, he led an incredibly successful ‘buy a brick’ fundraising campaign through WhatsApp. Through the success of that fundraiser, they were able to construct their first meeting building; however, as many more individuals come seeking the Gospel, they are already quickly running out of room. A growing church is a great problem to have! Today the church also serves as a hub for draught relief distribution, providing critically important food stuffs to the local community.

As the church in Nairibi has grown, they have received Elders from a nearby Rendille village, L’Moti, which is also seeking to establish a church. Part of my time on this upcoming trip will be spent in L’Moti, which is far more remote, as we assess possible next steps for continuing ministry and establishing a church there. With over 100 Rendille manyattas (household homes) we estimate there are between 600 and 1000 unreached individuals hungry for the Gospel. Please pray for me and my team as we preach the Gospel message as part of a community outreach event for the village in November.

Along with our community outreach efforts in L’Moti, we will also be working with the local Elders and leaders in Nairibi. I will be assessing a more current state of the facilities, as it has been nearly three years since I was last there, and strategizing with David Parmuat and our BGC team in the area about next steps. Initially, $5000 USD is needed to improve the fencing and water cistern infrastructure of the church compound. Once the grounds are more secure, we can move to more long range plans for mission housing, a garden and increasing the size of the church building.

Here is how you can help! To support the on going mission in Nairibi, click here. You can also access the giving links on Beehives website by visiting beehiveglobalcollective.org, and checks can be mailed to Beehive Global Collective, PO Box 7823 Macon GA, 31209. Please make note in the memo line which ministry initiative you would like to support.

Iris and I have been overwhelmed with gratitude by your generous responses, and by those who have already chosen to partner with us in ministry. We have already raised 40% of our monthly pledge support for 2022. If you are already partnering with us in monthly support, thank you! We would like to ask you to use the included cards to share with others about the ministry you are supporting. Along with our annual support, we are currently looking to raise an additional $3000 for this upcoming trip to Northern Kenya in November, as our team will be departing November 4.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!

Ready To Learn More?

Interested in supporting one of our partners or just want to learn more?
Feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries you might have.

From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:26-27

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